Where to Buy the Best Seller by Susan May

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* Thank you to Susan May for my early copy of Best Seller, for which I have given an honest review*

Ten year old Nem witnesses her mother's vicious murder, and she won't forget the perpetrator, (her mother's boyfriend Alan) he'll definitely come to regret that brutal act. Eventually Nem is adopted by a lovely caring couple, but she's not expecting life to be special in any way - that is until she discovers her mother's journal - something that has passed down the female line in her family. This j

* Thank you to Susan May for my early copy of Best Seller, for which I have given an honest review*

Ten year old Nem witnesses her mother's vicious murder, and she won't forget the perpetrator, (her mother's boyfriend Alan) he'll definitely come to regret that brutal act. Eventually Nem is adopted by a lovely caring couple, but she's not expecting life to be special in any way - that is until she discovers her mother's journal - something that has passed down the female line in her family. This journal holds very special powers, and I was reminded of not just the 'green eyed monster (jealousy) but also of the Incredible Hulk, and more to the point his infamous saying "Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry"

The journal enables Nem to control other peoples lives, so it's wise not to upset her in any way!

Fast forward a few decades and Nem becomes the protege of William Barnes, an award winning author. Nem, now known as Orelia Mason, looks to William to help her become as successful as he was with his debut novel. Unfortunately for William, as Orelia's literary career takes off, his own takes a nosedive - his reviews for his follow up novel are terrible, and both his agent and publisher turn their backs on him.

William begins to suspect that Oriela has somehow engineered his downfall after a very unpleasant exchange of words between them. He becomes obsessed with the desire to discover just what she's up to, but what he finds horrifies him, and let's just say he's treading very dangerous ground.

Well, I have to say that I found this to be an intriguing read. I didn't particularly like the main protagonists, although that wasn't always the case. I started off feeling sorry for Nem as a child, but she frightened the heck out of me as an adult! Likewise William, but the other way round, initially I found him to be a pompous creature, but eventually I was rooting for him, so a great turnaround with both characters. The plot was quite unique, and scary - imagine if you had power over others lives, what would you do with this gift - how far would you go to bring about your own desires? This was a really good read, with some truly heart pounding moments. Another winner for Susan May.

Best Seller by Susan May begins by introducing readers to ten-year-old Nem who has found a stray kitten and wants nothing more than to be able to keep the pet. But as Nem is begging her mother to let the kitten stay her mother's boyfriend walks in on the scene and simply flies off into a rage. Things quickly escalate and turn into a scene of pure horror as Nem's mother is brutally murdered before her eyes.

As the chapters alternate the point of view then switches to William Barnes who is an autho

Best Seller by Susan May begins by introducing readers to ten-year-old Nem who has found a stray kitten and wants nothing more than to be able to keep the pet. But as Nem is begging her mother to let the kitten stay her mother's boyfriend walks in on the scene and simply flies off into a rage. Things quickly escalate and turn into a scene of pure horror as Nem's mother is brutally murdered before her eyes.

As the chapters alternate the point of view then switches to William Barnes who is an author who had sold his first novel which quickly became a best seller. However, William's attempts to follow up that first novel have not gone well with the critics being none to nice with his reviews. William is sure that his luck has been stolen by a young and upcoming author, Orelia Mason, whom he'd taken on as a protégé.

Now one might wonder when diving in and reading what in the world do these two completely different stories have to do with one another? Well now that would be the question that will eventually be answered but it was quite the ride until then as the story was slowly built.

As the book goes on the seemingly opposite tales are slowly interwoven together with every thing one thought to be true flipped upside down. This thrilling suspense read has a bit of a paranormal twist to it bringing in just that edge of horror to the story so it may not be for everyone but I myself truly enjoyed the story from beginning to end.

I received a free advance copy of this book from the author.

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2.5 stars, rounded up because I'm a huge fan of this author and have loved all of her earlier works.

I so wanted to love this, but sadly, it just didn't work for me.

I think my biggest issue with this was the writing style being overly exaggerated. The majority of the story is told between 2 POV's, through their internal thoughts. There is a fine line with allowing the reader to get inside a characters head and let them experience their thoughts versus being told what they are. There was a lot of

2.5 stars, rounded up because I'm a huge fan of this author and have loved all of her earlier works.

I so wanted to love this, but sadly, it just didn't work for me.

I think my biggest issue with this was the writing style being overly exaggerated. The majority of the story is told between 2 POV's, through their internal thoughts. There is a fine line with allowing the reader to get inside a characters head and let them experience their thoughts versus being told what they are. There was a lot of repetition to how these characters felt, over and over, and some of the internal comments were overkill, as they were obvious. This tends to make me feel like author doesn't think I'm smart enough to get what she's putting out there.

I do give the author major points for a very creative plot and not being afraid to 'go there'. I can imagine this was a fun story to write with all the possibilities!

I am in the minority with this rating, so I do recommend you give this a read, because honestly, what the heck do I know? I'm still a fan, and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

My thanks to the author for the ARC- this review is my unbiased opinion.

Diane Lynch
THE book to read. One of the cherished page turners you cannot put down. A brand new, original spin on how to become a best selling author. Nem is the main character. She's had a hard life. William is a best selling author. Nem decides it's time for her to be an best selling author. Paths cross. Lives are destroyed while others flourish. Can it just be luck? What's the price of success? The characters are very well developed. This is a suspense filled thriller. Each chapter leaves you wanting mo THE book to read. One of the cherished page turners you cannot put down. A brand new, original spin on how to become a best selling author. Nem is the main character. She's had a hard life. William is a best selling author. Nem decides it's time for her to be an best selling author. Paths cross. Lives are destroyed while others flourish. Can it just be luck? What's the price of success? The characters are very well developed. This is a suspense filled thriller. Each chapter leaves you wanting more.. ...more
A remarkable, easy to follow, unpredictable with stress levels through the roof. With twists and turns that keep you captivated from start to finish while your nerves are even higher with all her stuggles along with your blood pressure. You're sure to blow a gasket so seek out medical attention if it gets overwhelming with your head about to blow. This is one well detailed, highly addictive and hard to set it down. This is an incredible read with a uniq
A remarkable, easy to follow, unpredictable with stress levels through the roof. With twists and turns that keep you captivated from start to finish while your nerves are even higher with all her stuggles along with your blood pressure. You're sure to blow a gasket so seek out medical attention if it gets overwhelming with your head about to blow. This is one well detailed, highly addictive and hard to set it down. This is an incredible read with a unique way that Susa has for her imagination and an insight to bring her scenes to life.
Eldon Farrell
While I respect Susan May as an entrepreneur and everything she's accomplished, I just can't rate this book any higher for several reasons.

Number one, the length. This tome tips the scales at about 500 pages. By the author's own admission Best Seller began life as a novella and it should've remained so. You could cut 300 pages from this story and not lose anything. In fact, it would be better.

Number two, the pop culture references. This may be on trend right now but done wrong and comes across a

While I respect Susan May as an entrepreneur and everything she's accomplished, I just can't rate this book any higher for several reasons.

Number one, the length. This tome tips the scales at about 500 pages. By the author's own admission Best Seller began life as a novella and it should've remained so. You could cut 300 pages from this story and not lose anything. In fact, it would be better.

Number two, the pop culture references. This may be on trend right now but done wrong and comes across as your grandmother trying to be hip. Worse still, it detracts from the story.

Number three, the POV. The story is told in alternating first person POVs. Nothing wrong with that except each scene had only the one character in it for most of the book. We never got to experience the interaction between them. It was just never ending navel gazing and introspection that severely hamstrung the flow of the book. I longed for dialogue.

Number four, the plot. When I heard about this book I was excited. I thought what an innovative idea and I couldn't wait to read it. The anticipation made the eventual result that much more disappointing. When the plot finally got moving it contained a glaring hole. (view spoiler)[If you give someone a fake number, you shouldn't believe it's them when they call you! (hide spoiler)]

For all these reasons, I have to rate this 2 stars. Though I'm sure there will be many more 5 stars from Susan's die hard fans.

Fool me once shame on you. But Susan May has fooled me twice. So shame on me. It's just that her irrepressible shamelessly self promoting Aussie zeal has a certain charm and her books manage to appear in my email box fairly regularly, tempting and free. I mean, they are not great books by any stretch of imagination, but they are surprisingly entertaining. So what's a surefire way to writes best seller? Well, of course, write a book titled Best Seller. Cute, isn't it? How does one approach review Fool me once shame on you. But Susan May has fooled me twice. So shame on me. It's just that her irrepressible shamelessly self promoting Aussie zeal has a certain charm and her books manage to appear in my email box fairly regularly, tempting and free. I mean, they are not great books by any stretch of imagination, but they are surprisingly entertaining. So what's a surefire way to writes best seller? Well, of course, write a book titled Best Seller. Cute, isn't it? How does one approach reviewing a book about a mediocre at best author who gets ludicrously famous by means of black magic and lethal vendettas? With great care, one imagines. But really, I'm just going to take it as a self referential clever inside joke played by May. This book was apparently meant to be a novella and ended up a 500 page behemoth. Not sure I would have read it had I known the page count, but GR omitted that incredibly practical information, so here we are. At 500 pages it is, objectively, overwritten, but it does read fast enough for its bulk. I've read May's novella Behind the Fire before and it's obvious she has improved as an author in the years since. Best Seller shows more maturity, at this rate multi dimensional characters have got to be in the near future. I'm obviously not going to be joining the ranks of May's super fans whose raving quotes adorn this and possibly every one of her books, my preferences tend to be somewhat more cerebral and less supermarkety. At any rate May seems to have enough fans, just check out other reviews, everyone seems to have absolutely loved this book and so many of her other books. Seriously…what are the odds? And frankly she seems to be a level and reasonable enough of a person to be able to take a less than glowing review. But…and this might be considered a compliment, she's definitely above crap like Koontz at least, since she doesn't seem to egregiously pander and/or proselytize conservative values or follow preset formulas. May seems to be writing her very best with wild enthusiasm and decent imagination. And while it may not be really for me, she seems to be doing quite well with her writing (with or without the assistance of black magic) and it's kind of admirable. And for lowbrow mindless sort of diversion, her stories are kinda fun. ...more
John Filar
What a great story, and I'm honored to have enjoyed it as an early reader! This book really sucks you in, then hits you with a twist, then saves one last "gotcha" for the very end! It's like Hitchcock meets the Twilight Zone. For Wonderful Readers of Ms. May's other works, you'll appreciate her inclusion of previous works' characters/short stories peppered within. You'll also enjoy another thriller, one which asks, "What if you could control destiny...your own and others'?" and the inherent mora What a great story, and I'm honored to have enjoyed it as an early reader! This book really sucks you in, then hits you with a twist, then saves one last "gotcha" for the very end! It's like Hitchcock meets the Twilight Zone. For Wonderful Readers of Ms. May's other works, you'll appreciate her inclusion of previous works' characters/short stories peppered within. You'll also enjoy another thriller, one which asks, "What if you could control destiny...your own and others'?" and the inherent moral dilemma that comes with that. The character development, and how they morph as the story unfolds, makes this one quite the page-turner. I won't spoil it for you with details here, but it's well worth a few late nights (I'll sleep when I'm dead!). I suspect this book will live up to its title! ...more
Thank you Susan May for this Early Review Copy. It was such a treat to read this book.

It is annoying how sometimes life gets in the way of reading a good book. I hated having to close the book every couple of chapters. So I just waited for the weekend and dived into the book and what a dive!! A fascinating journey into the head of a "once a best seller" author, his descent into the hell of envy and jealousy and his "battle" with bad luck.

Nem survived many tragedies partly because of her discov

Thank you Susan May for this Early Review Copy. It was such a treat to read this book.

It is annoying how sometimes life gets in the way of reading a good book. I hated having to close the book every couple of chapters. So I just waited for the weekend and dived into the book and what a dive!! A fascinating journey into the head of a "once a best seller" author, his descent into the hell of envy and jealousy and his "battle" with bad luck.

Nem survived many tragedies partly because of her discovery of an old journal with mysterious powers to control luck, a family heirloom that fell into her hands after her mother's murder. The power to control the good and bad fortune of others is frightening but it comes in handy to smooth her path.
On the other hand, William Barnes, after only one best seller, saw his career wither and die , while that of his fellow author and old "apprentice " Orelia Mason rise at an incredible speed. In his mind, she stole his life and he would stop at nothing to get it back.

Nem and William were amazing characters, I enjoyed there company all along the book. Technically, she is the "evil" character and he is kind of a victim. Still, I couldn't help always feeling sorry for her, even in the worst moments and couldn't help but despise him most of the book until the end changed my mind a bit.
I loved how the story was written. The continual alternation of chapters about Nem and William, without a clear connection between the two of them, until we get to that point where the two lines of story meet and we get to the truth and all becomes clear.

I liked following the change in the different characters personalities , it was fascinating. And I just loved the end, especially that last chapter, it actually made me laugh so hard and let me tell you, it was not a funny scene, I was laughing because I was surprised and because the last page of the book opened a whole new load of scenarios and possibilities that I did not expect.

I think till today I read almost all of Susan's books and for me this one is the best. I definitely recommend it!

Thanks to the author, Susan May, for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Enough has been said about the plot and I don't want to risk including a spoiler. So I'll take a different approach by saying I've been reading Susan May's writings for a few years and she just keeps getting better and better. Best Seller is her best work to date and there aren't enough positive adjectives to described how much I enjoyed this novel. The characters are well-developed and it was interesting to experien

Thanks to the author, Susan May, for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Enough has been said about the plot and I don't want to risk including a spoiler. So I'll take a different approach by saying I've been reading Susan May's writings for a few years and she just keeps getting better and better. Best Seller is her best work to date and there aren't enough positive adjectives to described how much I enjoyed this novel. The characters are well-developed and it was interesting to experience the psychological changes they made throughout the novel. The story line is perfectly paced and expertly thought out. Ms. May has become masterful at intrigue and knows how to keep you wanting to read more by ending each chapter with a mini-cliffhanger!!

If you like dark mysteries that are skillfully written, Susan May is the author to read. You won't be disappointed.

After the novel ends, I love her Imagination Vault, She discusses where her ideas come from and how she fits them into her novels. Fascinating stuff!

Doreen Keele
I can honestly say if it were possible to give 10 stars i would! This is possibly the best suspense novel i have read in a year. The suspense keeps building and building and i stayed up late. I did not want to put it down! And oh my, the ending!
Wow. What an incredible book. Susan May outdid herself in writing this novel. I loved Best Seller. The characters were well-developed and made me hate them and love them at the same time. The storyline was imaginative, intriguing, and, at times, heart-stopping. I read well into the night to finish this book and was sad to see it end, but very satisfied with the story and ending. Great book!!
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy supplied at no charge by the author/publisher.
Best Seller is a book about exactly that, but how do you achieve such a desired accolade. William Barnes is such a person. His first book swept the book world by storm, but then his next one is less so & so with his 3rd. In the meantime, he meets Orelia Mason, who he takes under his wing. Is this a chance meeting or something more?
William begins to believe Orelia is behind his downfall, but how. He starts
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy supplied at no charge by the author/publisher.
Best Seller is a book about exactly that, but how do you achieve such a desired accolade. William Barnes is such a person. His first book swept the book world by storm, but then his next one is less so & so with his 3rd. In the meantime, he meets Orelia Mason, who he takes under his wing. Is this a chance meeting or something more?
William begins to believe Orelia is behind his downfall, but how. He starts to follow her. Who is Orelia? When William first meets her she is called Nem. Nem witnessed the savage murder of her mother & inherits the mysterious green book that her mother kept secret from her. William starts to believe this green book has something to do with the meteoric rise of Orelia and feels he needs to see it and find out what it's all about. One to read & highly recommended.
It's been a while since I've read a thriller, and this book reminded me of how much I love them. I was definitely feeling the Stephen King vibes in this one. It surprised me how drastically my feelings about the characters changed as the book progressed, and I found myself rooting for a pretty despicable character to succeed by the end. I really enjoyed how this book was set up with the chapters alternating between the characters. I absolutely loved how this ended, and I would definitely like to It's been a while since I've read a thriller, and this book reminded me of how much I love them. I was definitely feeling the Stephen King vibes in this one. It surprised me how drastically my feelings about the characters changed as the book progressed, and I found myself rooting for a pretty despicable character to succeed by the end. I really enjoyed how this book was set up with the chapters alternating between the characters. I absolutely loved how this ended, and I would definitely like to see a short story or two related to the before and after of this story.

This is the second Susan May book I have read, and I am definitely a fan!

***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary ARC of this book.***

This is the book to read, of this genre. Susan May never ceases to amaze me, I have read her books and short stories collections, and highly rated all of them. "Best Seller" is the ultimate page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Her characters and scenarios are realistic, which makes for a very believable read. How Susan brings her characters together is simply stunning and I might add, scary. You won't want to put this one down till the last paragraph. Another "Happy Nightmare This is the book to read, of this genre. Susan May never ceases to amaze me, I have read her books and short stories collections, and highly rated all of them. "Best Seller" is the ultimate page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Her characters and scenarios are realistic, which makes for a very believable read. How Susan brings her characters together is simply stunning and I might add, scary. You won't want to put this one down till the last paragraph. Another "Happy Nightmares" read. Well done Susan, love your work. ...more
This was the first book by Susan May I've read and I have a feeling it won't be the last. She's an excellent writer who certainly knows her way around a plot. I felt her characters could have been more developed, but I favor character-driven stories as a rule rather than plot-driven, so that could be just me.

I received this book as a free audible download from an author promotion. I'm always a little leery about promotional copies, since I assume that only beginning authors with few fans or medi

This was the first book by Susan May I've read and I have a feeling it won't be the last. She's an excellent writer who certainly knows her way around a plot. I felt her characters could have been more developed, but I favor character-driven stories as a rule rather than plot-driven, so that could be just me.

I received this book as a free audible download from an author promotion. I'm always a little leery about promotional copies, since I assume that only beginning authors with few fans or mediocre authors who fail to achieve a respectable following would be willing to give their work away for free. In this case, the old saying about people who assume proved quite true. This book was very good, well worth the thirteen plus hours required to listen to it.

I won't recap the story. If you're reading this you probably already have an idea of what it's about and I don't want to provide any spoilers. I didn't even know the genre when I started. Nem's harrowing experience at the beginning instantly hooked me and bonded me to her character. May's descriptions of William's reaction to his reader's criticisms were so vivid and realistic that I'm almost afraid to criticize her work for fear of sending May diving beneath her desk to curl into a fetal position until her calves cramp. I admit to losing patience with William at times. He seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time bewailing his fate. Perhaps a bit less angst from him would improve the story.

May's insights into the life and motivations of writers and the world of publishing were reminiscent of another recent read, "Bestseller" (the name is just coincidence) by Olivia Goldsmith, but May manages to shed light on the subject without all the name-dropping, kitschy gossiping, and viscious back-stabbing which riddles Goldsmith's novel.

May's writer's voice is reminiscent of Stephen King. Her character's inner dialogues are peppered with folksy mannerisms which are easy to relate to. The plot also bears a slim resemblence to King's "Thinner", where a gypsy curse wreaks havoc with people's lives. All the same, May has her own distinctive style which sets her apart from the crowd.

The concept, a journal which has the power to alter the fortunes of people based on the interpretation of the journal's owner, is a fascinating premise, rife with the potential to create both disruptions and moral dilemmas and May fulfills the promise of such a theme marvelously. Some of the fates which characters meet with are deliciously gruesome, although if it were my choice, I would have made more effort have the fate fit the crime, so to speak. In some cases it did, while others seemed totally unrelated. The way May allows some victims to seemingly escape justice, only to have it meted out again unexpectedly is brilliant.

In the author's afterward, she mentions that her initial concept was only from William's point of view. I send a heartfelt "thank you" to her husband for suggesting she add Nem's point of view to the story. It was much richer for the addition. The character arc of both Nem and William surprised me by the end. It wasn't what I expected at all. The character of the old man at the end was a very nice touch as well. He added that creepy, unexpected twist of an ending which really makes the story even more memorable. Lots of room to wonder about what happens after the last page. Possible sequels? I'm not a fan of series books but, done well, this has a lot of potential.

My biggest complaint, which would have forced me to stop listening if the story hadn't been so good, was the narrator, Steve Marvel. I've heard many people criticize narrators, saying they ruined the book for them but I'd been fortunate because I'd never had that experience . . . until now. Marvel's voice wasn't great, I felt he was a bit too gravelly for my taste, but I could live with that, right up until he spoke in Nem's voice. Ouch. His interpretation of a female voice, let alone a female child's voice, shot me straight out of the story. He sounded like a warbly, hoarse, irritating old woman suffering from the after effects of fifty years of smoking resulting in cancer of the throat. Throughout the story, every time he put on a female voice my skin crawled and I wanted to power-wash my eardrums. Fortunately, the novel is related mainly through narrative prose rather than a lot of dialogue or else I probably wouldn't have been able to get through it. For this reason, I strongly recommend the print version as opposed to the audible telling.

I did experience a technical glitch in that the chapter headings were always one chapter ahead of the chapter being read, so it started with the narrator saying it was chapter one, but on my phone screen it showed chapter two. This continued throughout the entire book but it certainly didn't detract from the story at all.

I don't give stars lightly but this book would certainly have earned five stars if not for the irritations caused by the narrator. Had I read this in print, I have no doubt it would have gotten a five-start review. I definitely recommend this book.

Susan May really has really written a Best Seller!! I was drawn in right from the beginning and I can see that it could easily become a series. At least I hope it will be. Thank you, Susan for letting me have an early copy. I have enjoyed so many of your books and this one is at the top of my list. I am sure anyone who reads it will not be disappointed.
If you could give or take away someones destiny, would you? Did they deserve what they got ?A concept that is intriguing. The story is fast paced yet full of detail. Give it a try it May change you.
The book starts with Nem seeing her mothers violent death and from there progresses into an amazing thriller. This is a deeply disturbing read which flows well from this amazing author. How she does it I do not know but I know that you will also be turning pages quickly to find out what happens next. Nem finds her mothers diary and puts certain actions into play time and again until she learns how it works. This really is an awesome read with more twist than a red vine and may even cause you to The book starts with Nem seeing her mothers violent death and from there progresses into an amazing thriller. This is a deeply disturbing read which flows well from this amazing author. How she does it I do not know but I know that you will also be turning pages quickly to find out what happens next. Nem finds her mothers diary and puts certain actions into play time and again until she learns how it works. This really is an awesome read with more twist than a red vine and may even cause you to switch up the character you are pulling for when it is all over.

I love this author although her mind and creativity scares me a little bit, I do understand why her style has been referenced as similar to Steven King. They both come up with these unique and spine tingling, mind blowing and intriguing and so much more. This is a definite must read.

I think I've read all of Susan May's books so I know she has been compared to Stephen King. I agree but feel they're more like the mature King, as in "Duma Key" and not "Carrie" or "Pet Cemetary". However, when I was reading her latest novel, "Best Seller" I felt more like this could have been written by Dean Koontz in the early 2000's. "The Good Guy" or "The Good Husband" is what this felt like.
I don't do what I call "HS Book Report" reviews. If prospecting readers are looking for a story synop
I think I've read all of Susan May's books so I know she has been compared to Stephen King. I agree but feel they're more like the mature King, as in "Duma Key" and not "Carrie" or "Pet Cemetary". However, when I was reading her latest novel, "Best Seller" I felt more like this could have been written by Dean Koontz in the early 2000's. "The Good Guy" or "The Good Husband" is what this felt like.
I don't do what I call "HS Book Report" reviews. If prospecting readers are looking for a story synopsis, the author's summary will be better than any reviewer could do. I prefer to share what I liked (or didn't like) about a book. If you're familiar with Dean Koontz or Stephen King and you like their works, in particular, the ones without the Blood & Guts, you're going to love "Best Seller". The action is well paced and allows you to keep up w/o heavy breathing. Some books just feel way to fast paced without any obvious need for that. Make no mistake, there is plenty of action and suspense. There are many plot twists that will have you expecting one outcome but understanding why the shift to an unexpected one.
As is proper for character development, the beginning introduces us to the main characters while showing us some significant developmental items from their past. One thing that I especially liked was the time shifts that allowed for a better understanding of current events. This is done by giving us more details of past events while the current action takes place. As in any business, craft, or profession, there are widely varying degrees of ethical behaviors. Best Seller gives us an insight into the publishing business that shows us it's politics like any other field.
The author quotes Stephen King who said: "...to be successful the artist in any field has to be in the right place at the right time." Susan clearly shows us that this may be considered Luck and, there is Good and Bad Luck. What happens when someone can influence that Luck is the basis of this great book. I just hope she'll consider a sequel...for the survivors.


Regina Lively
I was given an ARC of this novel, with the promise of an honest review. I greatly enjoyed this novel. It took a bit for me to grow accustomed to the pacing. There were flashbacks to the characters earlier years that seemed to flow in an unknown (to me) fashion. The flashbacks didn't proceed in a chronological fashion, and this confused me. But after reading about 25% of the novel, I understood the pacing of these flashbacks. As I progressed through this novel, a rather strange reversal occurred. I was given an ARC of this novel, with the promise of an honest review. I greatly enjoyed this novel. It took a bit for me to grow accustomed to the pacing. There were flashbacks to the characters earlier years that seemed to flow in an unknown (to me) fashion. The flashbacks didn't proceed in a chronological fashion, and this confused me. But after reading about 25% of the novel, I understood the pacing of these flashbacks. As I progressed through this novel, a rather strange reversal occurred. I was at first empathetic toward Nem and her rough early life, and was hoping she'd make a success of herself. But as her crimes grew and her excuses for her actions were rationalized away, I disliked her and wanted to see her "luck" run out. I began to sympathise with William Barnes, who in his past was an arrogant man. When we meet him in the present day, he's no longer a stuck up phony intellectual, but a broken man. His actions displeased Nem, so she put a "curse" on him that his success would be lost. We see him struggling through his days, wondering if he was merely a one-book wonder. After he meets his former agent Morris Usher, William begins putting the pieces together and goes on a campaign to vanquish Nem.
I enjoyed every page of Ms. May's novel and plan on reading more of her work. The pacing and flow of this story was suspenseful. The character development was believable. I wanted to continue reading late into the night, in order to get to the end. And what an ending! This is definitely a book worth reading!
Dr. Been
"Well, well, well, William!"

This is the very first book I read from Susan May. And I must say it is going to be one of her greatest hits. The book speaks to you in a very frank manner. In the beginning, you feel like you can't even grip the story , but before u reach the middle chapters, the puzzle pieces fall in place.
The story isn't just a mystery thriller, it has a deeper meaning if you stop and think. Jealousy isn't born, its absorbed. Hatred begets hatred.

The book also made me think about

"Well, well, well, William!"

This is the very first book I read from Susan May. And I must say it is going to be one of her greatest hits. The book speaks to you in a very frank manner. In the beginning, you feel like you can't even grip the story , but before u reach the middle chapters, the puzzle pieces fall in place.
The story isn't just a mystery thriller, it has a deeper meaning if you stop and think. Jealousy isn't born, its absorbed. Hatred begets hatred.

The book also made me think about the troubles and struggle and above all "magic" an author has to go through while writing, publishing and then waiting for the fate of their book. Susan May, you have inspired me to write. A long ago dream of mine, which I may think about all over again.
I love the flow of the story and how it connects different scenarios.

Despite of my liking towards the book, I have something to criticize too (not negatively, of course).
The book ended too fast. The effort author has put in is tremendous. Just as each step of each character is well elaborated, I just wish the ending was more explanatory as to how Nem knew of things she came to know about other people. What were the drawbacks of the book not officially handed over to her. See, a little more explanation to satisfy our wandering mind.

I can already imagine Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman playing the two main characters in a blockbuster movie based on this book. :)

Well done, Susan May. Very well done!

Sherry Martin
The story starts out with a stereotypical mom's boyfriend is mean to the child in the household, but very quickly turns nasty. I do like that the bedroom door gets busted open, but you are spared the details of (if) something bad goes down with the daughter and her kitten. (at least for now) You are suddenly taken to a writer (William Barnes) reading bad reviews about his latest book. There are some chuckle moments in the review and when Barnes refers to a reviewer named Shadly as Shitly, it mak The story starts out with a stereotypical mom's boyfriend is mean to the child in the household, but very quickly turns nasty. I do like that the bedroom door gets busted open, but you are spared the details of (if) something bad goes down with the daughter and her kitten. (at least for now) You are suddenly taken to a writer (William Barnes) reading bad reviews about his latest book. There are some chuckle moments in the review and when Barnes refers to a reviewer named Shadly as Shitly, it makes him more human to me. The story line jumps every chapter from one main character (Nem) to another (William Barnes) but it is easy to follow what is going on. Barnes goes on and on with an obsession to another writer that starts to wear a little. There are lots of references to books, paintings, and songs that was a little hard for me to follow as I didn't know (or care) who some of them were, so the references were lost on me. The story line is good and starts to pick up the farther in you go. Towards the end I didn't want to put it down for knowing what happens. The ending leaves you with the possibility of more to come. ...more
Debbie Hauser
This was an amazing book from start to finish. As per the usual Susan May book, you can get whiplash keeping up with all the twists and turns that are slowly revealed throughout the plot. The author skillfully manages two timelines that slowly merge and reveal the ugly truth. Best Seller has two main characters, both intent on being top writers. William Barnes has made it in the publishing world and agrees to advise and mold a new writer using the pen name of Orelia Mason. All goes well until it This was an amazing book from start to finish. As per the usual Susan May book, you can get whiplash keeping up with all the twists and turns that are slowly revealed throughout the plot. The author skillfully manages two timelines that slowly merge and reveal the ugly truth. Best Seller has two main characters, both intent on being top writers. William Barnes has made it in the publishing world and agrees to advise and mold a new writer using the pen name of Orelia Mason. All goes well until it doesn't. Suddenly, the tables are switched and William finds his rise in fame to be waning as he watches his mentee shoot up in the ranks. Confused by his sudden demise, he blames Orelia for his loss of fame. In what appears to be an almost paranoid reaction to his situation, he follows her and discovers her ugly secret. Doubting his own sanity when he concludes that there is magic involved and determined to reveal the whole truth, he goes to great lengths at his own risk to try and stop her before more harm is done. You'll find yourself cheering and disliking both characters at different stages of the book...her fantastic character development and ability to tease the truths out of the plot will keep you reading into the wee hours of the morning. ...more
This is a clever twisting of two narrative tracks, two stories, that will keep a reader riveted to the page. This novel combines a mystery and an in depth character study with a look at the world of publishing. It was difficult to put down and I had to remind myself that I had work the next day and needed to sleep. Another fine story from Susan May.
Heather Hackett
This one is great and should be a bestseller, just like the title. I couldn't put it down. The depth of character development is fascinating. The pace is slower at first but builds to an exciting and page-turning climax. I haven't read a book I enjoyed this much in a long time. Bravo, Ms May. Keep them coming! This one is great and should be a bestseller, just like the title. I couldn't put it down. The depth of character development is fascinating. The pace is slower at first but builds to an exciting and page-turning climax. I haven't read a book I enjoyed this much in a long time. Bravo, Ms May. Keep them coming! ...more
This is the first full length book of Susan May's that I have read. I enjoyed her books of short stories, so wanted to check out this book. So glad that I did. This book is full of suspense, intrigue and many twists that I did not see coming. It has a story line that kept me reading late into the night. I will definitely be reading more books by this author. This is the first full length book of Susan May's that I have read. I enjoyed her books of short stories, so wanted to check out this book. So glad that I did. This book is full of suspense, intrigue and many twists that I did not see coming. It has a story line that kept me reading late into the night. I will definitely be reading more books by this author. ...more
Susan May is a very talented author. Readers are quite justified in calling her "The female Stephen King". Especially "The Best Seller", her latest work is breathtaking! The battle between the two main characters and the unpredictable ending made me unable to put it down.
Susan May is a very talented author. Readers are quite justified in calling her "The female Stephen King". Especially "The Best Seller", her latest work is breathtaking! The battle between the two main characters and the unpredictable ending made me unable to put it down.
Angela Allison
This book blew me completely away. Just couldn't stop reading once I realized Williams dilemma. Susan is now my new favorite author. If you are looking for a book with well developed characters, exciting plot twists, and an ending you didn't see coming, this book is for you! This book blew me completely away. Just couldn't stop reading once I realized Williams dilemma. Susan is now my new favorite author. If you are looking for a book with well developed characters, exciting plot twists, and an ending you didn't see coming, this book is for you! ...more
What an amazing story. Nem is a troubled child until she finds her Mother's journal and Arthur is an author. Together they make a wonderful story to love.
To enjoy a Susan May starter library of two free books, join her reader's club at

I was four when I decided I would be a writer, packed a bag, and marched down the road looking for a school. But for forty-six years, I suffered from life-gets-in-the-way-osis. Setting a goal to write just one page a day cured me in 2010. This discipline grew into an addictive habit that

To enjoy a Susan May starter library of two free books, join her reader's club at

I was four when I decided I would be a writer, packed a bag, and marched down the road looking for a school. But for forty-six years, I suffered from life-gets-in-the-way-osis. Setting a goal to write just one page a day cured me in 2010. This discipline grew into an addictive habit that has since borne several novels, and dozens of short stories and novellas--many of which are published award-winners in Australia, the US and the UK.

My childhood reading diet consisted of Edgar Allen Poe, O'Henry, and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, plus horror comics like Tales From the Crypt. Anything out of this world like The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits had me glued to the television.

Inspired by these classics, I attempt to pen tales that are simply about the story and the characters and not about fancy words or beautiful descriptions. At the end of my stories I hope, wonderful reader, that you will feel you've enjoyed a journey into the fantastic with a neat twist at the end.

Every day I pinch myself that I am able to do what I love and be in control of every facet of it. And I can wear my track suit pants and slippers while doing it. Bliss.

Most days I'm just an average mother and wife living in Perth, Western Australia, but this darn imagination of mine keeps constantly venturing into the crevices of dark worlds, whether I want to go there or not.


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Where to Buy the Best Seller by Susan May

Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52886536-best-seller

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