what amount will leo use to compute his hsa deduction on ±orm 1040, line 25



Volunteer Assistor's Test/Retest

Volunteer Income Taxation Assist (VITA) / Revenue enhancement Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)

Take your VITA/TCE grooming online at

(keyword: Link & Learn Taxes). Link to the Practise Lab to proceeds experience using revenue enhancement software and take the certification exam online, with immediate scoring and feedback.

Class 6744

 (Rev. 10-2017) Catalog Number


Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

How to Go Technical Updates?

Updates to the volunteer training materials will exist independent in Publication 4491X, VITA/TCE Training Supplement. The most recent version tin can exist downloaded at:  https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4491x.pdf.

Volunteer Standards of Conduct VITA/TCE Programs

The mission of the VITA/TCE return preparation programs is to assist eligible taxpayers in satisfying their tax responsibilities by providing


 tax return preparation. To institute the greatest degree of public trust, volunteers are required to maintain the highest standards of ethical deport and provide quality service.  All VITA/TCE volunteers (whether paid or unpaid workers) must complete the

Volunteer Standards of Deport (VSC)

certification and concord to adhere to the VSC by signing

 Form 13615,

Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement

, prior to working at a VITA/TCE site. In improver, render preparers, quality reviewers, and VITA/TCE tax constabulary instructors must certify in tax police prior to signing this grade. This class is non valid until the site coordinator, sponsoring partner, instructor, or IRS contact confirms the volunteer'due south identity and signs and dates the form.  As a volunteer in the VITA/TCE Programs, you must: 1.Follow thursdaye Quality Due southite Requirements (QSR). 2.Not accept payment, solicit donations, or accept refund payments for federal or land tax return preparation. 3.Not solicit business frochiliad taxpayers you assist or use the knowledge you gained (their information) about them for any straight or indirect personal benefit for you or any other specific individual. four.Non knowingly prepardue east false returns. 5.Non engage in criminal, infamous, dishonest, notoriously disgraceful conduct, or any other behave accounted to take a negative effect on the VITA/TCE Programs. 6.Care for all taxpayers in a professional, courteous, and respectful humanner. Failure to comply with these standards could result in, but is not limited to, the post-obit:

Your removal from all VITA/TCE Programs;

Inclusion in the IRS Volunteer Registry to bar future VITA/TCE activity indefinitely;

Deactivation of your sponsoring partner's site VITA/TCE EFIN (electronic filing ID number);

Removal of all IRS products, supplies, loaned equipment, and taxpayer information from your site;

Termination of your sponsoring arrangement'southward partnership with the IRS;

Termination of grant funds from the IRS to your sponsoring partner; and

Referral of your acquit for potential TIGTA and criminal investigations. TaxSlayer® is a copyrighted software plan owned by Rhodes Reckoner Services. All screen shots that announced throughout the official Volunteer Income Revenue enhancement Aid (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) grooming materials are used with the permission of Rhodes Figurer Services.

Confidentiality Statement:

 All tax data you receive from taxpayers in your volunteer capacity is strictly confidential and should not, nether whatsoever circumstances, be disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

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Source: https://pt.scribd.com/document/362498604/f6744-2018

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