Sam Hyde They Think Its Funny

Found something on Neogaf

I thought maybe addressing this post might make a good thread, chime in with your experiences.

Growing up, we studied native genocide and slavery and things, but they were cast as historical evils that society had rejected as it progressed. The foundational ideas of justice, liberty, freedom, democracy, free speech, rule of law, etc were what our culture valued, and worked towards perfecting. We were a force of good in the world. I liked Western civ and would have fought for it unquestioningly if asked coming out of high school.

In first year uni, I registered for a course called General Studies for easy A. I still vividly remember opening the first chapter of one of the assigned books, I even remember the texture of the paper...there was this horrific description of a lynching of a female balck woman and the gutting of her baby, real stomach churning stuff. Then it immediately cut to present day evils, and idk why exactly, but that revulsion and cry for justice deep within me also got transferred over to the present day material. It was a rhetorical trick that worked magnificently, almost a road to damascus moment.

The course was was held in the biggest lecture auditorium on campus, and you had to get there early because there were a lot of people not registered who would come and so many stood or sat on the floor. It had a religious vibe to it, like you were getting special, almost forbidden knowledge; seeing Western civ clearly, a system based on lies, power, secrets, and soul crushing oppression. Here were explanations for the emptiness I felt.

Each class, Western civ got deconstructed, and the hidden evils inherent in the system were laid bare. New systems of thought were shown, and things I had never even considered were explained. It felt different than any other class I was in. They were the only undergrad notes I kept, and I kept them for years.

That course, that single 8 month course left me with a borderline hate of America, a deep belief that the country was rotten and a force for evil in the world and I could trace it back to the birth of Western civ. It also filled a spiritual hole that I had because I had rejected faith and embraced an atheistic nihilism which left me empty. There was this Ultimate Reality that had been coopted by power in order to dominate and control. And all those systems that produced all those injustices and atrocities of yore were still here, and still producing atrocities and injustices. Ultimate Reality could be worked towards.

I took no more 'general studies' courses, because I saw them as useless for real world, and poverty terrifies me, but that class changed me. I honestly believe that if I came from a wealthy family that could have paid for 12 years of school, I would have gotten a pHd in one of the theory disciplines and developed a deep social network of like minded people.

It has only been since leftist progressivism has started to bare its teeth in the last five years or so that I have re-evaluated things, including trying to regain a religious faith. I have a huge need for justice, so when I started seeing cancellations, vilification of all white people, condemnation of all cops, the domination of media and universities by one ideology, and the real possibility of the destruction of the American project...well I started getting that same feeling I had when I read that book mentioned above and rejected my 'Woke-ism'.

This is why I am pessimistic. At best, you will have people like me, passively and anonymously resisting progressive totalitarians in ways that don't risk careers or social connections. On the other side, there are religious zealots who have no problem ruining lives and enforcing thought conformity in all cultural institutions (k-12, uni, local/state/federal gov, tv, corporations, etc). I see no counterbalancing ideologies on the horizon. I mean, ffs, saying 'all lives matter' or 'America is not systemically racist' will get you fired today, what will get you fired in 2030?

And to those who think getting rid of Christianity as a major force in the West is a good thing, well...I hope you enjoy the replacement.

anyway, Durask , hope that is some kind of answer.


An annectdote. So who knows if its true. But its the kind of shit you'd expect universities to teach now.

These people will never forgive you and the only atonement is your annihilation and the destruction of all you and your ancestors have built until the only remnant of your existence is that you are satan that got defeated by a glorious Black trans disabled queer MAP POC.

The only solution is to never ever fucking apologize like Turkey. These people don't want apologies. They want your annihilation but until then, submission will do and they make you submit via apologies.


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